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What makes a good real estate agent?
A good real estate agent is organized, prepared and always ready to learn something new. Real estate agents who are committed to treating their career as a business can quickly grow based on referrals.
These real estate agents strive to develop a professional reputation and build trust within their communities. With the right work ethic and strategy, many real estate agents find that their careers can provide them with high-income potential and an exciting lifestyle.
Some other qualities of good real estate agents include:

  • Self-motivated
  • Detail-oriented
  • Active listener
  • Problem-solver
  • Negotiator
  • Determined
  • Good communicator
  • Enthusiastic
  • Honest

HOME LUXE Peter Nicado Group Tips for new real estate agents
Follow these 13 tips to improve your skills and become a more successful real estate agent when you're starting out in the field:​

Understand the real estate licensing requirements
If you haven't received your real estate license yet, make sure to check with your state to see what's required. This can help ensure that you're set up for success as you begin your real estate journey. If you already have your real estate license, be sure to research what other states require if you plan to move to or work in another area. Licensing and requirements can vary considerably from one state to the next.
Some agencies may also have additional requirements, so if you plan to partner with an agency, be sure to ask what criteria you may need to meet.

Market yourself in your area (real estate farm)
Familiarize yourself with your area by engaging with property owners to discover potential real estate opportunities. Market yourself in this area by mailing flyers and postcards that advertise your services, knocking on doors to introduce yourself in person and putting up yard signs. This can help you increase your visibility, generate leads and develop a steady stream of real estate work. It can also help you understand what properties may become available in the future and get an idea of what your competition is doing to market themselves.

Track your personal and real estate business expenses
To be a successful real estate agent, think of yourself as a business. In order to be a profitable business, you need to have a budget and a way to track your expenses and projected revenues. You might need some startup money to pay for your licensing classes, exam fees and marketing materials. After you have calculated your startup costs, make a list of other personal and professional expenses, such as business travel, bookkeeping fees and insurance.
Then, use expense management software to track your expenses, earnings and cash flow all in one place. This can make it easier to budget each month, reach your financial goals and file taxes at the end of the year. Use a search engine to research popular expense management tools and choose the one that works best for you.

Read more: How To Get Your Real Estate License

Manage your time
Learning to effectively manage your time as a real estate agent (Realtor) can help you prevent stress, accomplish tasks more efficiently and become financially successful. Start each day with a plan and try to tackle less desirable tasks first to minimize procrastination. You can also use a planner, to-do list or task management software to organize your day and help you spend your time wisely.
Limit distractions during your workday by setting boundaries between your personal life and professional life. Then, communicate these boundaries with friends and family members so that they understand when you are and are not available for personal conversations and social activities.

Develop a real estate marketing plan
As you begin your new career as a real estate agent, it is important to allocate part of your budget toward marketing expenses and develop a plan that allows you to advertise your services across various media. Your marketing plan should include a professional website in addition to a strong social media presence, print materials like flyers and brochures, yard signs and networking events.
You may also explore the possibility of using television and radio ads, billboards, email marketing, newspaper ads and other marketing materials. By diversifying your marketing approach, you can reach more potential buyers and sellers, which may help you grow your business faster.

Choose a real estate brokerage
Take time to carefully consider your options when choosing a brokerage. Ask questions about the brokerage's goals, what tools and support they can offer you and their commission split. Research the average number of listings the brokerage has and pay attention to the quality of their listings. Finally, make sure the brokerage is affiliated with the National Association of Realtors (NAR). This is an important factor if you wish to attach the term "realtor" to your business as a real estate agent.

Find a real estate mentor
As a new real estate agent, consider finding a mentor (your broker should be your mentor) who can help you navigate the industry, offer you advice and make you feel more confident. Identify a more experienced real estate agent within your brokerage or area who gets along with you well. Then, ask them if they would be able to mentor you as you're getting started in your career.
Make sure they know why you are asking them to mentor you by explaining what you admire or respect about them as a real estate agent and what you hope to learn. You may even consider offering a small gift, like a bottle of wine or a box of chocolates, to show your appreciation. Once you have a mentor, be considerate of their time, but also be prepared to ask them questions. Here are a few questions to get you started:

  • What challenges should I expect in this market?
  • What is your strategy to turn leads into clients?
  • How do you schedule your day and manage your time?
  • What was your biggest challenge when you were just starting out as a real estate agent?
  • What resources do you recommend helping me learn and succeed?
  • What is your most successful marketing tactic?

Grow your network
Your network is an important asset because most real estate agents receive most of their business through word of mouth and referrals. To grow your network, attend broker open houses, networking events and community events. Make sure your family and friends are aware of your new career in real estate and consider asking them if they know anyone looking to buy or sell a home. You can also invite potential leads or acquaintances out for lunch or coffee to get to know them better. Building relationships is a crucial part of being a successful real estate agent.

Dress for success
As mentioned before, real estate agents should operate as if they own their own business to be successful. This means you should also dress the part of a businessperson. Wear professional, clean and wrinkle-free clothing when you meet with clients to create a positive first impression. This can help you appear professional, competent and respectful, which may help you earn your client's trust—and their business.

Hone your communication skills
As a real estate agent, you need to be able to effectively communicate verbally and in writing to make a successful sale. Real estate agents often have to explain complex legal terms and tax documents to their clients in a way that is easy for them to understand. Whether you're negotiating an offer for a seller, explaining the buying process to a first-time homebuyer or networking with other real estate professionals, having strong communication skills is essential as a real estate agent.
Practice active listening, consider your body language and be present in the moment to hone your communication skills. You can also ask your clients what communication method they prefer, such as phone calls, text messages or emails, and adapt to their preferences to strengthen your communication with them.

Invest in yourself
As a new real estate agent, invest in yourself by attending seminars and continuing your education. Some online courses that may help you succeed as a real estate agent include social media marketing, finance and general business classes. You can also get involved with local networking groups and stay up to date on the latest real estate trends by signing up for newsletters from different real estate websites. If you're a member of the National Association of Realtors (NAR), take advantage of the association's research and articles by setting aside time to read them.

Get involved in your community
Getting involved in your community is a great way to expand your network. Consider volunteering with a nonprofit, joining a civic club or participating in local fundraisers. In addition to helping your community and those in need, this can help you build trust with people in your area, increase referrals and generate leads for your business.

Build rapport with your clients
Successful real estate agents understand the importance of building strong relationships with potential clients. Part of your job is to make the client feel comfortable, cared for and understood. Ask your clients plenty of questions, make eye contact and practice active listening to build trust. Look for opportunities to help your client and ways to show them you appreciate them. Building rapport with your clients can make working together easier and increase the likelihood of referrals.

If you want to take your real estate career to the next level, contact me today.

Peter Nicado, Real Estate Broker, ABR, CFS, CRB, e-PRO
Certified Luxury Homes Trainer
International Bestselling Author 
CEO, Winner's Mindset Academy - HOME LUXE Peter Nicado Group.

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